Sinopsis:Basado en el clásico de Shakespeare, Coriolanus muestra el regreso de un líder militar a su patria como gran triunfador. No obstante, sus impopulares políticas le acabarán condenando al exilio. Movido por la rabia, Coriolanus se une a sus rivales enfrentándose al dilema de resarcir su orgullo o atacar su tierra natal.
Thriller, Drama
2 h 3 min
Puntuación IMDB:
Ralph Fiennes, Gerard Butler, Brian Cox, Lubna Azabal
Director / Escritor:
Ralph Fiennes / John Logan, William Shakespeare
Sinopsis (inglés):
The citizens of Rome are hungry. Coriolanus, the hero of Rome, a great soldier and a man of inflexible self-belief despises the people. His extreme views ignite a mass riot. Rome is bloody. Manipulated and out-maneuvered by politicians and even his own mother Volumnia, Coriolanus is banished from Rome. He offers his life or his services to his sworn enemy Tullus Aufidius.